Carolina Martínez-López shares her writing process
Thursday, 30 November 2023 , Olot

Carolina Martínez-López shares her writing process

The activity that Carolina Martínez-López carried out at the Marià Vayreda Library in collaboration with the artist, writer, teacher and researcher Carlos Ruiz Brussain, consisted of a transdisciplinary opening of the writing process and composition of the poetry collections escribir y respirar (writing and breathing) (2020) and el punto ciego del paisaje (the landscape’s blind spot) (2021).
In the first part, these works were approached from a conceptual perspective, comparing them with similar creative processes. In the second, the connections and possibilities of translation between the different artistic languages were considered, proceeding to a performative intervention that combined the reading of poems with drawing. Towards the end, the activity was opened to the participation of the attendees, who created a series of collages with drawings and fragments of poems from these books.
The aim was to show how writing is not something flat or linear, but that, even though it is already fixed in a book, it is infinite and can come to life constantly and in different ways. Also that the artist is a kind of transmitting channel and that art is not an end in itself, but a means to access other levels of knowledge of reality.