Morning walking tour exploring the city of Olot
Wednesday, 7 June 2023 , Olot

Morning walking tour exploring the city of Olot

Walking tour (approx. 90 minutes) exploring the City of Olot at dawn of all residents. Through his artistic work, Simon Buckley captures the uniqueness of ‘not quite light’ urban spaces.
“I often think, when I'm out before first light, that I've stepped through the back of a wardrobe, that the city is enchanted and anything is possible. The night, the dark, brings fear but also magic. I love the pools of light, the transformation of buildings as they are defined by shadow and streetlight, the
absence of people so the streets become the star attractions, not the humans. Buildings will mostly last beyond a human lifespan, and I think the night means that it is 'their time' that we can really see what is people have created, and that these constructions have a solidity, personality and purpose perhaps beyond what was originally envisioned.”