First work session of young Catalan and Palestinian playwrights
Friday, 14 April 2023 , Olot
First work session of young Catalan and Palestinian playwrights
During the first joint work session, the 6 residents introduced themselves to the group, explained their career as playwrights and shared the text they will develop during the residency. In this first contact we tried to understand a little better the different social, political and creative contexts in which playwrights are immersed and we shared concerns and work processes.
The historical importance of the meeting should be emphasized. As the playwright and translator Mohamad Bitari has pointed out, this is the first time that young Catalan and Palestinian playwrights share a space for dialogue and creation; but it is also rare that Palestinian playwrights coincide with very different realities and at the same time representative of recent history in Palestine: Bashar Murkus who lives in Haifa and has Israeli citizenship, Ghasan Naddaf who lives in Ramallah, in the occupied territory of the West Bank , and Rama Haydar, a Syrian of Palestinian origin who has been living in exile in Spain for years.
Local playwrights have shown great interest in learning more about Palestinian literature and culture.