Talk by Mireia Gascón in Palma
Friday, 14 October 2022 , Palma

Talk by Mireia Gascón in Palma

Mireia Gascón, epidemiologist from ISGlobal, located in Barcelona, has taken part in the Municipal Training School in Palma, as part of the additional programme to her participation in the residency in the framework of the Biennale of Thought in the Mallorcan capital. This talk has been given to project managers from the Palma City Council.
Mireia Gascón’s lecture had the title “Health perspective in urban policies” and has been focused on pollution caused by transport. She has spoken about its effects and what measures can be adopted to minimise its effects on health; she has also presented the indicators which help achieve healthy, sustainable urban planning, covering a wide range of issues, such as motorises transport reduction, multi-modality and promoting public transport, among others.