Workshop with future teachers at the Universitat d’Andorra , with Angela Fitzgerald
Wednesday, 21 September 2022 , Andorra
Workshop with future teachers at the Universitat d’Andorra , with Angela Fitzgerald
On Wednesday 21st September, I facilitated a 90-minute workshop with the first year pre-service teachers in the Bàtxelor en Ciències de l’Educació program at the Universitat d'Andorra. The workshop was designed to explore similarities and differences in what it means to be a teacher in our two respective countries, Andorra and Australia. This approach enabled the pre-service teachers to share with me their understandings of their education system, while I was able to make comparisons to the Australian context. Some of the interesting similarities between the two educational settings included being a multi-jurisdictional sector, having a focus on historical and cultural education, and the use of the local context to inform learning and teaching. There were numerous differences between the two educational settings with some of the key one being teacher pay rates, the required qualifications to be a teacher, and structural elements around how the school day and year are organised. I was incredibly impressed with the types of questions that the pre-service questions asked me about education more generally, such as the impacts of the global pandemic on students and whether robots will replace teachers into the future.