Screening of the film ”Zimanê Çîya”
Thursday, 16 June 2022 , Olot

Screening of the film ”Zimanê Çîya”

Within the framework of "The Purple Meridians" redidence in faberllull Olot, on Thursday 16th June at 20h, at the Ateneu Popular Mala Petja, a film ofby Lisa Çalan (15min), Zimanê Çîya (The Language of the Mountains) 2016, will be screened. Xemgin is six. In class his name is “Hengin”, the Turkish version of “Xemgin”, while out of schoolthey call him “Pîzot”, Kurdish for rascal. He does not talk much at school, but outside he lives upto his Kurdish nickname.Teachers come and go. Xemgin – who does not speak Turkish – changes three of them. And the troubles begin.
At the end of the screening, a discussion was held with the Kurdish filmmakers Güliz Sağlam and Ruken Ergüneş Özdemir, founder and member of the board of directors of the Rosa Kadin Diyarbakır Women's Association.