Rhiannon McGlade explains role of Catalan comics during the Transition
Thursday, 23 January 2025 , Olot

Rhiannon McGlade explains role of Catalan comics during the Transition
Looking at examples like Butifarra! (1975–8) and Cul-de-Sac (1982), Professor Rhiannon McGlade (Scotland) spoke about how authors and illustrators used satire, caricatures and humour to deal with the political and social changes of the Spanish Transition. In her chat this Wednesday evening at Isop bookshop, she also looked at a ground-breaking female illustrator: Montse Clavé.
McGlade has done research on how Catalan comics contributed to public debate at the time, and how they influenced collective consciousness in the Catalan working class. They were a resource for citizen participation after the dictatorship.
Dr Rhiannon McGlade is a lecturer in Hispanic Studies at the University of Strathclyde and general editor of the Journal of Catalan Studies. She previously held a variety of positions at the University of Cambridge and Queen Mary University of London, as a professor and director of the Centre for Catalan Studies. She is currently at Faberllull Olot writing In Visible Ink, which explores visual print media, feminism and sexual-identity politics in 20th century Spain. Specifically, she is preparing a chapter on Catalonia and its underground scene, beyond Barcelona.