Laima Baumane discusses travel literature with students at the Interlingua school in Olot
Wednesday, 13 March 2024 , Olot
Laima Baumane discusses travel literature with students at the Interlingua school in Olot
Latvian journalist Laima Baumane gave a presentation to English students at the Interlingua school in Olot. Entitled “Travel and travel literature”, Baumane shared anecdotes from two Latvian travel writers as they traversed different places in Spain. They travelled both as street musicians and Camino de Santiago pilgrims.
The discussion developed into a debate with the students about travel, travel literature and the practice of keeping a travel journal.
Laima Baumane, from Latvia, is a journalist who, after several years in television, has shifted her focus to public relations. Currently, she is in a master’s degree in writing studies. At Faberllull, she is conducting research and writing for her thesis, which focuses on travel literature.