Lecture by Tania Faúndez

Tuesday, 17 October 2023 , Olot

Lecture by Tania Faúndez

Lecture by Tania Faúndez

Tania Faúndez has given the last lecture in today’s programme, with the title “50 years (2023), by Marcelo Leonart: war and memory from the present’s urgency”.

2023 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the military coup which put an end to the Popular Unity Government, led by Socialist president Salvador Allende. In the framework for said commemoration several activities were organised in connection to the trauma of the country’s project being shattered. The play 50 años [50 years] (2023), written and directed by Marcelo Leonart, and performed by Colectivo Pony, depicts the wound inflicted by the military coup from a gender perspective, inscribed in a war context that brings us back to the early stages of independence processes of Spanish colonies. In this talk Faúndez has discussed feminine discourse and its representation on stage, in a wartime dramaturgy, because the ones suffering war are women. Thus war, for at least 50 years, will penetrate the bodies and thoughts of four women, sheltered in a house, as if it were a trench.

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