Activities of George Belliveau

Friday, 14 October 2022 , Andorra

Activities of George Belliveau

Activities of George Belliveau

Insights from Andorrans

During my stay I gave a workshop on drama and poetry to students at the University of Andorra, and I learned about their language diversity. This led to questions around how the arts are offered (or not offered) in schools as a creative approach to teaching. I had a meeting with Professor Cristina Yanez who shared wonderful knowledge about Cultural Heritage in Andorra and teacher training pedagogy as we walked along the Iron path. Our discussion led to possibilities of student exchanges between our universities in the future. I had a meeting with Andorran artists Joan Hernandez and Monica Vega where we talked about their current projects with various communities. Their approach to theatre and movement resonated and we hope to explore ways to collaborate in the future given our overlapping artistic approaches and goals. I went to many museums, and I completed a first draft of the play Mon histoire, son histoire on Acadian identity, language and history.

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