Working meeting between Sergi EStabanell and Irma Estrada
Thursday, 17 February 2022 , Olot

Working meeting between Sergi EStabanell and Irma Estrada
The aim of the meeting with Irma was to discern the best way to approach the subject of research with society. The thesis is that fear is increasingly permeated in our bodies, our thoughts and our creativity and that art can be a vehicle to recognize these fears and free ourselves through a symbolic act, an act of release. And performing this act artistically can be liberating for the person performing it but it can also hit and shake the people who will see it. The first step is to find out what people are afraid of, so Irma, as an anthropologist, can help me a lot. Anthropology is based on asking individual questions in order to draw more general conclusions. So the goal is to find out what fears people of different ages have in order to be able to draw conclusions about the fears of our society. During our meeting we worked on defining how to establish this conversation, we came to the conclusion that the questions cannot be direct, that it is necessary to create a space of intimacy and that a visual support could help us to address the topic. no, we can fall into getting some surface fears and failing to get to know what the real fears are. The conversation also helped us to define that we will have to ask two phases of questions: one to know about fears and another to address the issue of liberation, because if we try to address both issues at the same time we run the risk of losing. ns and not reach the goal. We have decided together what this time to ask will be like and I have decided after talking to Irma to add a cartoonist so that we can have different tools for gathering information; one more visual and one with voice recording. It will be important to be able to extract as much information as possible from these conversations in order to define the mapping of fears. My assessment of the encounter with Irma is very positive as I find her vision complements very well my creativity which often comes more from images and intuition.