Paola Tarantino at the Girona Theater Association: ”Feeling authentic, living the gesture”
Sunday, 26 September 2021 , Olot

Paola Tarantino at the Girona Theater Association: ”Feeling authentic, living the gesture”
The 'Feel authentic - live the gesture' Workshop is a module of my work as an acting teacher, and on 26 September I organised an acting training session for the professionals who came to El Galliner de Girona. The main work in this case was to listen to what the body wants to do under circumstances of encounter and non-verbal relationship with another peer, to let oneself be guided by impulses, to let oneself be affected and to give voice to instinct and emotions. The participants showed interest, a lot of commitment and a willingness to throw themselves courageously into the proposals. It was beautiful to see the change of energy that suddenly took place in the class and how almost perfect strangers created stories and small theatrical actions, trusting each other without having to talk about or justify what was happening. I have seen actors reconnect with their core and with a hunger to share stories. I have also seen crises, hard times and a lot of laughter. I am very happy and grateful for this gathering.