Screening of a short film by Juan Carreño at Núria Social

Thursday, 23 September 2021 , Olot

Screening of a short film by Juan Carreño at Núria Social

Screening of a short film by Juan Carreño at Núria Social

L’Ull Viu is the new cycle of social cinema organized by Nuria Social in collaboration with the Terra Gollut Film Festival and faberllull Olot. The theme of the first event of this cycle is counterculture.

The activity began with the open presentation of the live cultural program of El Nuria for the quarter of October to December 2021. The exhibition "Counterculture" was inaugurated, with original illustrations of the self-managed fanzine Xàfec de les comarques Girona, which was attended by the co-founder of the fanzine.

Later, the first film of THE LIVING EYE was screened, the documentary Alamarilove on urban culture that supports as a pillar the neighborhood of Alamar in Havana (Cuba), where poetry, graffiti and hip-hop are mixed through an expressive dialogue of peace and friendship in which the protagonists share their ideas and dreams with a common sense of belonging to their place of origin and, at the same time, as an individual experience.

Finally, a short film by Juan Carreño, writer, poet and founding artist of the Popular Film School of Santiago de Chile and resident at the Faber Llull, was screened. Juan Carreño showed an audiovisual work based on the community.

To end the day, a film forum was held with the participation of Carmelo Raneri (director of ‘Alamarilove’), Juan Carreño (writer and community activist) and Andreu Elias (illustrator and co-founder of Fanzine Xàfec).

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