Reading Session with Rui Cóias at Cafè Art Fontanella XII
Thursday, 16 September 2021 , Olot
Reading Session with Rui Cóias at Cafè Art Fontanella XII
When we move away from our homes sometimes thats to see our past and lives in everywhere around us. This is what happened in my reading session in Olot, as part of my residency at Faber. Olot, at the beginning of the evening, led me to the past, and parts of cities forgotten in memory and past places. So, too, flowed the poems I read, intimately, in portuguese, in a cafe, in the company of excellent friends, in the midst of silence where the beautiful Catalan voices could be heard. We read poetry, in several languages, with Maya Feile Tomes and Juan Carreño, and we talked about places and moments, we exchanged experiences and memories. Because everything is connected, at the beginning and at the end.