Talk: “Journalism and fake news”
INS Castell d’Estela (Amer) | 26 May, 2017
Friday, 26 May 2017 , Olot
Talk: “Journalism and fake news”
The Catalan journalist Guido Cengiarotti has talked about journalism and fake news Castell d’Estela institute (Amer). He has started with an introduction of several concepts around communication, such as fake news, journalism, truth or alternative facts.
After that, there has been a debate on the ethics of journalism and on how good journalism can be made, despite the precarious situation of media and communication companies. He also has introduced the idea that they aren’t passive public, but that they can emit messages too through social media.
The youngsters have been notably interested on the following part of the talk, which consisted in detecting the truthfulness on different information that can be found in the Internet, in different websites or through the social media (whatsApp, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram).
Cengiarotti has made a small introduction to advertising and its ethics, and also on how giving our data makes us more vulnerable. He has finally encouraged the students to be critical with any information they get and to assume their responsibility when sharing them.