Talk: “Who is (not) afraid of Donald Trump?”
Iván de la Nuez | Can Trincheria (Olot) | 17 November, 2016
Thursday, 17 November 2016 , Olot
Talk: “Who is (not) afraid of Donald Trump?”
Donald Trump has become the 45th President of the United States. This hasn’t happened out of nothing; on the contrary, it has happened because of everything. Nor is it that he just won the elections over Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party. Along the way, Trump defeated his very own party, Hollywood, the media, progressivism, the polls, gender politics, immigrants, etc. His victory shows the anger of the masses, rebellion turned into a vote. Vote with “v” for vengeance.
This talk, delivered by Iván de la Nuez, essayist and exhibition curator, addresses this situation and the intellectual blindness to see it coming. Responsible for shaping Barcelona’s La Virreina-Centre de la Imatge, he was also appointed its first director. Furthermore, he was Head of the Cultural Activities Department at the Barcelona Contemporary Culture Centre (CCCB). He garnered the City of Barcelona Prize for the book Fantasía roja (2006) and the Espais d’Art award for the best critique published in Spain (2006). His books include La balsa perpetua (1998), Paisajes después del Muro (1999), Fantasía Roja (2006), Postcapital. Crítica del futuro (2006), Inundaciones: Del Muro a Guantánamo (2010) and El comunista manifiesto (2013). He has written essays for retrospective exhibitions for Stan Douglas, Los Carpinteros, Vik Muniz, Joan Fontcuberta and Javier Codesal.