Robotics at Llar School Olot
Robotic’s Residents | Llar School Olot | May 8, 2019
Wednesday, 8 May 2019 , Olot

Robotics at Llar School Olot

Llar school in Olot is a reference for the MicroBlocks team, which we visited last year to show the first steps of the language we are developing.
On this occasion, John Maloney showed the changes we have been implementing since the previous visit, and Kathy Giori, who is part of both Mozilla WebThings and MicroBlocks team, has shown the integration of the two technologies with a demonstration of sensors and actuators remotely controlled by the network.
Besides that, we have also demonstrated Snap!, a language of which Jens Mönig is the main author and programmer, and in which Joan Guillén, Josep Ferràndiz and myself also collaborate. Specifically, we have shown the new capabilities of the environment for image and video processing in real time, programming live graphic effects on images of students who were approaching the camera.
This year we have seen with great enthusiasm how the school has adopted Snap! as the root of our previous year’s talk, and we have already been announced that, if we come back next year, we will find some avid small programmers of electronic devices with MicroBlocks.