Collective residencies / Olot
Robotics and pedagogy IV
From Wednesday, 5 May 2021 to Wednesday, 12 May 2021
May 2021
Currently, the education system is undergoing a process of transformation in order to continue educating in a rapidly changing world. There are three premises for laying the foundations of an educational model on which there is a certain consensus among working professionals.
On the one hand, we must put the student at the centre of LEARNING, that is to say, the objective is not that the teacher explains, but that the student learns what we believe is necessary to build his or her life project. This implies a second premise, and that is to highlight the context of the student, since it will be there where he/she will possibly have to apply much of what he/she has learned. Finally, the aim is to promote the autonomy of the pupils, that is to say, the ability to solve everyday problems that they encounter throughout their lives. This involves making the pupil "train" to make small decisions during their learning process, and to learn from their mistakes in order to find the right solution.
From 5 to 12 May, we want to bring together at Faberllull Olot those people and professionals who can shed light when it comes to making concrete proposals to work and support this transformation.
The idea is, on the one hand, to create tools that allow students to work in an experiential way and, on the other hand, to create didactic proposals transferable to educators.
On the one hand, experts from the most widely used or interesting computational thinking learning platforms will intervene. Juanjo Lopez, from Arduinoblocks; Joan Guillen and Bernat Romagosa, from Snap4Arduino and Microblocks, and José Ferrándiz, from Snap.
On the other hand, we will have experts of proposals that will help to make hardware compatible with these languages and that allow an individual use, with telematic support and that help students to be autonomous. We will also work on several proposals aimed at "socialising decisions" of students with autonomy through teamwork. Educational proposals around this hardware and programming language will also be needed. In this sense, we can count on the support of professionals such as Fernando Hernández, from the Torre Palau Institute, and Eduard Casadevall, from the Robolot team and referent of the STEAMakers project.
Other STEAMakers that we have in the educational world, such as Federico Coca, from the Robotics Club of Granada and Granabot, or José Andrés de Echevarria, STEAM referent in Cantabria and promoter of Cantabrobots, among others, will be needed.
As for the pedagogical support, we will have Jordi Regalés, Member of CESIRE and the Catalan Society of Technology. Miguel Antonio Peña, who will provide scientific advice on the proposals.
As for the context, we will study both the geographical context of the Garrotxa in a way exportable to other contexts and the current context of pandemic situation COVID19 and help to find tools that allow us to continue progressing despite the panorama. I know from them that virtual classrooms are essential, as they allow a similar dynamism to the face-to-face one, but without physical contact. We counted on the presence of Moodle professionals in Catalonia to help make the proposals possible.
The works resulting from the stay will be made available to the educational community.
Software engineerJOSÉ GARCÍA
Coordinator Educational Area of CitilabVÍCTOR CASADO
Telecommunications Engineer – Developer and STEM trainerNINA COLL
Primary school teacher – ICT SpecialistJOAN GUILLÉN
Computer scientist and creator of programming systems for beginnersKATHY GIORI (ONLINE)
EdTech Entrepreneur and Strategic Industry AdvisorSARA ARJONA
Developer at Moodle HQJENS MÖNIG ( ON LINE)
Researcher and DesignerJADGA HÜGLE ( ON LINE)
Snap! ResearcherJORDI REGALÉS
Copywriter & Aspiring UX WriterAMAIA ANABITARTE
Analyst Developer in Moodle HQMIKEL MARTÍN CORRALES
High School Teacher TechnologyFEDERICO COCA
Electronics TeacherMIGUEL ANTONIO PEÑA
Research Scientist – Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)PEDRO DAVID DOMINGO ( EN LÍNIA)
Vocational training teacher and director of the Didactic PlatformJUAN JOSÉ LÓPEZ ALMENDROS (ONLINE)
Teacher and Software developerFERNANDO HERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA
High School Teacher (Technologies) Institut Torre del PalauDAVID LLAMAS PLEGUEZUELOS
High school Teacher of technologyANNA SOY REY
Teacher of Mathematics in SecondaryEDUARD CASADEVALL CARRERAS
High school Teacher of technologyJAUME RIERA CODINA
Retired engineer and teacherJORDI ACHÓN MASANA
Primary and secondary school teacher retiredTONI MORENO
Technical Engineer and president of RobolotANNA MACIÀ MIRALLES (ONLINE)
Co-founder and pedagogical director of Edukem-nosELENA CHICO GUIJARRO
Enginyer en Electrònic IndustrialCATI QUINTANA RIGONI
Science teacher and ambassador of STEAMCat programTXELL PUIGDEVALL SALVANS
Professor of Technology at the INS Baix Empordà of PalafrugellROSER VILÀ I VENDRELL
Professor Department of Pedagogy - UdG Professor CFGS Early Childhood Education - Montilivi InstituteIRIS CATERINA SCHNEIDER PÉREZ
Student of Environmental Sciences and Geology in UABMIREIA BRAUP
Vocational training teacher and director of the Didactic PlatformEVA MATEO
Teaching technical advisorMERCÈ REQUENA GARCÍA
Expert in educational roboticsMARIA DE MONTSERRAT OLIVERAS BALLÚS
Teacher and psycho-pedagogueJOAQUIN COROMINAS
Professor of mechatronicsESTER FORNÉ CASTAÑO
Responsable àmbit Artístic (CESIRE)DOMÈNEC RUSCA MESTRE
Primary school teacherFINA GUITART MAS
PhD in Chemistry and associate professorOpinions
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