Collective residencies / Robotics and pedagogy IV / Olot


From Sunday, 9 May 2021 to Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Responsable àmbit Artístic (CESIRE)


Graduated in Primary Education and Infant Education from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Specialties: Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Visual and Plastic Arts Education, Foreign Languages: English.

Responsible for the Artistic Field. STOP. Government of Catalonia. Master in Art Education from a Constructionist Perspective (UB). Professor of Art and Education (UOC). Arts and Materials. Master's degree in English in infant and primary education. Blanquerna University. Ramon Llull University. Member of the ICE UAB ICT + C team. Member of the Center for Research and Studies for Organizational Development - CRiEDO. UAB

Creator and trainer of training designs and materials for the continuous training of teachers in Catalonia. Subdirectorate General for Innovation and Training. Department of Education. Government of Catalonia. Also for the Institute of Education Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICE UAB) and UGT and finally also for the degree studies of Art and Education of the Open University of Catalonia.

She is currently completing her doctoral dissertation on continuing education in arts education and its transformative effects on infant and primary education centers.

Lines of research:
Educational transformation through the arts and artistic methodologies: center innovation, continuing education. Management of change and improvement in education. Applied Technologies in Education. Interdisciplinarity and knowledge integration.

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