Meeting of the residents of Resilience in Sant Joan Les Fonts

Saturday, 28 October 2023 , Olot

Meeting of the residents of Resilience in Sant Joan Les Fonts

Meeting of the residents of Resilience in Sant Joan Les Fonts

On Saturday 28 October, we met at Can Vila, in Sant Joan Les Fonts, with members of the different town councils of La Garrotxa, representatives of government bodies from different municipalities in La Garrotxa, and members of the Balkar.Earth IltirHUB accelerator programme. The main aim of the meeting was to discuss the governance of our communities and to talk about the common challenges and the unique features that characterise us. Carla Güell, a member of Resilience Earth and an expert in providing governance support to rural communities, summarised the outcome of the meeting:

"The healing process and the process of co-responsibility intertwine to give rise to governance. For the vast majority of indigenous peoples, it is impossible to delegate governance. Governance is intrinsic to community processes; it builds the cultural narrative and is the ongoing dialogue that maintains identity and relevance. To reach full maturity, people must learn the practice of governance, and they must do so in relation to others. This is how people find their place in the community and how they can sustain it together. Delegating governance means that part of the population will never be able to express their voice and will therefore never reach maturity.

More and more communities are expressing and sharing their desire to create new and revive old forms of governance that are increasingly community-based, decentralised and distributed. These represent healthier, more co-responsible and regenerative ways of inhabiting our bodies, communities and bioregions. These approaches are part of an emerging paradigm that many in the scientific community are calling the Age of Resilience. The emergence of disruptive proposals is essential to mobilise the processes of communal and territorial healing that will allow us to live, if nothing else, in a more modest way and a little longer on this planet, in harmony with nature and the energy of life."

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