Panel “City and Health: towards the 15-minute city”
Sunday, 16 October 2022 , Palma
Panel “City and Health: towards the 15-minute city”
Three of the Palma residents for the Biennial of Thought, environmentalist Mireia Gascón and architects Pía Fontana and Miguel Mayorga, have participated in a panel moderated by the UIB professor Berta Paz. The panel has also included a video contribution by urbanist Carlos Moreno.
Several topics have been discussed: the strategic importance of proximities and of planning multicentre cities. The goal should be to create an economy serving proximity spheres. These new proximities have been brought about by three major crises: climate, economy and energy.
The panellists have advocated for planning cities with a “green” perspective, planning for everyone and making healthy cities possible; achieving this is a strategy for the future, in order to guarantee quality of life for the citizenship.
The city of the future is today’s city, but improved. Every city regenerates according to its own features; these can be detected thanks to community participation, which should lead to cocreation projects between experts and citizenship. One cannot think of isolated actions; they need to be part of a mid or long-term plan.