Collective residencies / FEMINISMS / Olot
From Monday, 23 October 2017 to Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Ayu is an Indonesian-born Hawaiian resident. She is a writer, an associate professor, and graduate advisor in Women’s Studies at The University of Hawaii. Her first book, Seeing Beauty, Sensing Race in Transnational Indonesia won 2013 National Women’s Studies Association Gloria Anzaldúa book prize. She has also published numerous articles in Feminist Studies, Meridians, Feminist Formations, and Sexualities. She is currently completing a book manuscript on pain, feminism, and digital media. She enjoys teaching classes on gender and the media/new media, history of gender and sexuality, gender and consumption in a global world, women’s body image, and feminist theory. She is the co-facilitator of Creative Connections: Writing and Meditation Retreat, where she teaches meditation specifically for writers who want to nurture their creative genie. When she is not teaching/writing, she can be found snorkeling at Hanauma bay or checking out new restaurants and taking Instagram pictures of her food.
At Faber, Ayu aims to complete a couple of chapters of her book, Pain Feminism. The book focuses on how feminist discourses and digital spaces help shape and shift our relationship with pain. Her case studies come from various online campaigns and works that women do with pain online. This book will be the basis of her talk during her residency. She is also excited about offering a workshop on women’s body image issue.
Faber Residency, A Place to Think, Write, and Be Joyfully Productive!
Faber residency is unique as it focuses on a specific theme for a certain period of time, allowing the residents to have productive conversations with others in the field. Although focusing on a theme, the residency was conscious to choose people who work in different fields and disciplinary locations, making the experience an enriching one for sure. For me, the structure of the residency works very well. I came to the residency with a goal of completing one brand new chapter. I left not only with one new chapter completed but also with four other chapters revised! I think this has been the most productive I have ever been in such a short period of time! The independence to work at whatever time you want, the supportive environment of the perfect place to write and think, the surrounding beautiful nature where you can take a walk every day to nourish your soul so you don’t get a writing block, and the prepared meals so you don’t have to worry about food, and the conversations about your work with other residents, made it very easy for me to concentrate on my work. I also very much enjoyed the opportunity to meet with the students in Olot and Barcelona and share my work as they were very enthusiastic, engaged, and asked very thought-provoking questions. Lastly, we were taken to two beautiful field trips to surrounding areas that always made me feel inspired and in awe. I am very grateful for Faber residency and the thoughtful and kind organizers for generously hosting us and doing such an excellent work in making the residency’s experience such a rewarding and smooth one! Thank you, thank you, thank you.