Catalan Women Writers: Diffusion and Translation

Katlheen McNerney | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | November 6, 2017

dilluns, 6 / de novembre / 2017 , Olot

Catalan Women Writers: Diffusion and Translation

Catalan Women Writers: Diffusion and Translation

On November 6, I participated in two related activities at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Adriana Nicolau Jiménez, a doctoral student in literature, invited me to speak about Catalan women writers and their diffusion in the English-speaking world. She first conducted an interview in which she asked me how I got interested in the subject, and how I chose authors to write about or to translate. I mentioned several writers, but spoke mostly of those whose work I have helped in diffusing, such as Mercè Rodoreda, and those I have translated, such as Maria-Antònia Oliver. After the interview, Professors Teresa Iribarren and Narcís Figueras, as well as some students and people from the general public, joined us for a lecture I gave which concentrated in more detail on translations I have been working on recently: Caterina Albert and Maria-Mercè Marçal. The public participated, asking questions and commenting on my remarks.  

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