Collective residencies / HUMANITIES III / Olot
From Sunday, 15 January 2017 to Saturday, 11 February 2017

Valerie Miles is a writer, translator, publisher, and professor for literary translation at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. She is founding codirector of Granta’s Spanish language magazine, which is on its 19th issue since 2003, and founding editor of the New York Review of Books Classics collection in Spanish. Her recent works include the book A Thousand Forests in One Acorn: An Anthology of Spanish-Language Fiction; and translations of Because She Never Asked, by Enrique Vila-Matas’s for New Directions, This Too Shall Pass by Milena Busquets for Hogarth Press and Harvill Secker, and Edmundo Paz Soldan’s Norte for The University of Chicago. She is currently translating Crematorio by Rafael Chirbes, editing a book on Nabokov by Azar Nafisi for Yale University and writing a Ph. D. She writes for The New York Times, The Paris Review, Granta, El País, La Vanguardia and La Nación de Buenos Aires, among many others.
I will be working on my Ph.D on Roberto Bolaño, a Chilean writer who wrote much of his important work while living in Girona and Blanes. I will take advantage of the residency to gather information for an essay that brings elements of Bolaño and of my time in Olot reading and writing, together in a creative piece for Granta or another English language literary journal like The Paris Review, to be later compiled in a book of essays.