Individual residencies / Andorra
From Monday, 9 September 2019 to Sunday, 29 September 2019
She is Professor Emerita of Hispanic Studies and Women’s Studies at West Virginia University. Her publications include Latin American, Castilian, and French literature, but most focus on Catalan women writers. Co-editor of Double Minorities of Spain (MLA, 1994), she has also edited collections of articles on Mercè Rodoreda and compiled a critical bibliography of Rodoreda’s work. She has translated four novels and many stories, essays, and poems. She is now finishing a translation of stories and a monologue by Caterina Albert, to be published by MLA (Modern Language Association).
La meva estada a Andorra se centraria, una vegada més, en la poesia i la prosa de Maria-Mercè Marçal. La traducció de Marçal en què vaig treballar a Olot és ara a mans de Francis Boutle, una editorial de Londres. La meva feina aquest any també es relacionaria amb la difusió del seu treball: diversos poemes de Marçal han estat traduïts a l’anglès, però els publicats estan dispersos en diverses publicacions, principalment en revistes acadèmiques o poètiques. M’agradaria reunir aquestes obres en un sol volum bilingüe, afegint-ne unes quantes més que no s’han publicat, i unes altres més que traduiré. També escric una introducció a Marçal i la seva obra.
After greeting me at the bus station in Andorra la Vella, Meritxell Blanco drove me to the residence in La Massana and showed me the premises, with manuals for all the brand new appliances, several texts about Andorran culture, and tourist information with maps and bus schedules. I have worked on my own since then, focusing on poet and novelist Maria-Mercè Marçal in an effort to offer her works more diffusion in the English-speaking world. To that end I have contacted the Fundació Marçal for up-to-date lists of her works already available in English and have translated various other poems for inclusion in a bilingual anthology. I have also consulted Andorran works at the National Library in order to acquaint myself with Andorra’s literary world, which I hope will form a future project.
My surroundings are magnificent, and the work space excellent. I have been invited on excursions to see the marvelous Romanic churches Andorra has to offer, as well as paths in the forest and museums. La Massana has various walking trails and a “telecabine” which leads to mountaintop views and further walking trails. I have taken the bus to nearby towns and villages; it seems there is always an excursion in the waiting when it’s time for a break from my work. Transportation by bus is easy, and the distances are short, so any excursion can be available on the spur of the moment. There are several grocery stores and many cafes within walking distance, and if a car is necessary, a call to the Faber office suffices. The living quarters are comfortable and quiet, ideal for those who wish to work on their own. I only regret not being able to stay a bit longer; my term is nearly over, and I know there are others who will use this space and opportunity well.