Collective residencies / Olot
Educational programming and robotics V
From Wednesday, 4 May 2022 to Wednesday, 11 May 2022
May 2022
Educational Programming and Robotics, immersed in the paradigm of creative learning and from practice (learning by doing), brings together a lot of proposals, methodologies and content that cannot be abandoned in current curricular projects.
Programming is the computer world's tool that, apart from providing us with meaningful learning in the field of Computational Thinking, allows us to approach any project that uses the digital world from a new punt of view: creative, experimental, cooperative, free and critical.
"Robotics" (the connection to the physical world of our computer projects) allows us to interact directly with the immediate environment, discover it, experiment, create artifacts, find real proposals and solutions ... get excited!
This creative point of view, both in the virtual and in the physical world, is the key to meaningful and contextual learning, and empowers us to be active agents in our communities and address the challenges we have as society.
For the fifth year in a row, from 4 to 11 May we will meet in Faberllull Olot a passionate group of teachers, designers and creators of educational tools from around the world to promote these creative learnings in educational programming and robotics. Many of us already share projects during the year, from distant locations, enjoying the technologies that allow us to work remotely and asynchronously, but the personal and intensive meeting that Faberllull Olot offers us is an invaluable gift.
We will be working on:
• Programming tools and programmable devices with the teams of Snap! and Microblocks (California, Massachusetts, Baden-Württemberg and Catalonia), Arduinoblocks (Alacant-Girona), Snap4Arduino (Barcelona), Robolot (Olot), Citilab-Edutec (Cornellà) … designing and implementing new functionalities to respond to the new challenges and needs of classroom projects.
• Online tools and platforms with the teams of MoodleHQ, ... to adapt resources and activities to current needs and new teaching-learning formats.
• and creative methodologies, research and educational innovation with the teams of Cesire, Catalan Education Department, teachers from leading teams in Spain and France (GranaBot, CantabRobots, Imerir...), CSIC, SteamMakers, EducaCont...
We will design, develop, study, debate ... and create! And we will share it in the framework of the Robolot 2022.
Technical Engineer and president of RobolotJOSÉ GARCÍA
Coordinator Educational Area of CitilabNINA COLL
Primary school teacher – ICT SpecialistJUAN JOSÉ LÓPEZ ALMENDROS
Teacher and Software developerJOSÉ ANDRÉS ECHEVARRÍA ZUAZO
High School Teacher TechnologyFEDERICO COCA
Electronics TeacherMIGUEL ANTONIO PEÑA
Research Scientist – Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)FULGENCIO BERMEJO
Secondary School Teacher in Electronic Systems and TechnologyJENS MÖNIG
Researcher and DesignerJOHN MALONEY
Computer scientist and creator of programming systems for beginnersKATHY GIORI
EdTech Entrepreneur and Strategic Industry AdvisorTOM LAUWERS
Entrepreneur and RoboticistMIKEL MARTÍN CORRALES
Developer for Moodle WorkplaceSARA ARJONA
Developer at Moodle HQGILLES MATEU
Head of studies at IMERIRENRIC MOR
Lecturer and researcher at UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)CARLOS CASADO MARTÍNEZ
Lecturer at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and teacher at Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaXAVI DOMÍNGUEZ
Researcher at IAAC Fab Lab BarcelonaSANTI FUENTEMILLA
Degree in Higher Architecture from La Salle University (Universitat Ramon LLull)JADGA HÜGLE
Freelance web designer and front-end developerBRIAN HARVEY
Teaching Professor EmeritusCHRISTIANE BAUER
Founder of the SAP Young Thinkers programROGER FABREGAT VALL
Teacher of Technology and member of RobolotTeamMARY FRIES
STEM Curriculum Designer Boston, MA.MARTIN DOUGIAMAS (EN LÍNIA)
Moodle founder and CEO OpenEdTech Global founderFERNANDO HERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA
High School Teacher (Technologies) Institut Torre del PalauDAVID LLAMAS PLEGUEZUELOS
High school Teacher of technologyESTER FORNÉ CASTAÑO
PhD in Education: art educationFINA GUITART MAS
PhD in Chemistry and associate professorCATI QUINTANA RIGONI
Science teacher and ambassador of STEAMCat programEDUARD CASADEVALL CARRERAS
High school Teacher of technologyJULIÁN CARO LINARES
Robotics Engineer, R&D and Rapid prototyping, IoT Engineer, STEM ExpertOpinions
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