Collective residencies / Educational programming and robotics V / Olot


From Wednesday, 4 May 2022 to Saturday, 7 May 2022

Researcher at IAAC Fab Lab Barcelona


He is action researcher at IAAC Fab Lab Barcelona, lecturer in the Master in Design for Emerging Futures at IAAC-Elisava and global instructor in the Fab Academy programme led by Neil Gershenfeld at MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA). Since 2017 he has focused his entire professional career on researching methods and tools to accompany people in the development of competencies and skills for life through creativity and innovative use of technology under the principles of circularity, sustainability and equity. Xavier is involved in private funded and EU funded research projects such as DO IT, on entrepreneurship and social innovation for young people, PHALABS 4.0 which links photonics research and its practical application in fablabs or makerspaces, POP-MACHINA which aims to demonstrate the power and potential of the maker movement and collaborative production for the circular economy of the European Union, SHEMAKES which aims to empower future innovators of the sustainable fashion industry through inspiration, skills and networking or TEC-LA, which aims to impact positively on the development of skills, self-efficacy and STEAM learning in primary and secondary school students through the maker-centered learning projects and their integration into the educational curriculum.


For the fifth year in a row, from 4 to 11 May we will meet in Faberllull Olot a passionate group of teachers, designers and creators of educational tools from around the world to promote these creative learnings in educational programming and robotics. Many of us already share projects during the year, from distant locations, enjoying the technologies that allow us to work remotely and asynchronously, but the personal and intensive meeting that Faberllull Olot offers us is an invaluable gift.

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