Individual residencies / Andorra


From Monday, 9 June 2025 to Monday, 23 June 2025

Actor, director, playwright and theatre teacher


A graduate in dramatic art from ESAD in Murcia, David Martínez has worked as a theatre teacher since 2001. He has been part of the Teatre Romea Company, the Teatre Lliure and the National Theatre of Catalonia, among others. He is the artistic director and founder of La Nave Va, a company with which he has produced theatrical works with an educational and social vocation. He has worked as an associate professor at the University of Metropolia in Helsinki and is currently an associate professor at the University of Girona and with the Postgraduate Programme in Performing Arts and Social Action at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.

Some of his recent works as a playwright and director are Com qui sent ploure (Like the Person Who Hears Rain) (La Planeta, in co-production with El Canal de Salt and La Nave Va), Ana y Serafín. Inquilinos de la periferia (Ana and Serafín: Tenants of the Periphery) (a co-production of Factoría Los Sánchez and La Nave Va), No em preguntis quan estic germinant (Don't Ask Me When I'm Sprouting) (POEFA European project, Santa Coloma de Farnés) and Un nosaltres abans que un jo (A We Before a Me) (production by Basket Beat with the help of Art for Change at La Caixa). He has produced different theatrical adaptations and written publications on art and education.



Arrelant-nos (Taking Root) – theatre play

During the residency, he will write Arrelant-nos, a 30-minute play aimed at young people in a classroom theatre format, followed by a debate with the audience. With the aim of getting people to reflect on current issues such as the economic and social crisis we are experiencing and generating critical thinking, the play will look at man's relationship with nature, based mainly on four books: Els cinc elements (The Five Elements), by Yayo Herrero; Gritar lo que está callado (Shout What is Silent), by Alejandro Quecedo; AntropOcéano (AnthropOcean), by Cristina Romera, and Estripar la terra (Tearing up the Earth), by Pol Dunyò.

Arrelant-nos will be the third in-class theatre show from La Nave Va, after Cendres (Ashes) by Ferran Joanmiquel, a brief look at grief and its phases, and La falca (The Wedge), by Alejandro Santaflorentina, on mental health and the risk of youth suicide.

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