Individual residencies / Andorra


From Monday, 6 October 2025 to Monday, 3 November 2025

Interdisciplinary artist


Johannes Christopher has been working across different disciplines such as video, sound, photography, performance, land art installation and engraving since the 1980s.

His artistic vision is influenced by Eastern philosophical concepts such as Zen, Buddhism and Ma, and is complemented by his lived experiences. Some of the recurring themes of his artistic practice are dialogues between humans and urban and social environments, identity, limits, time and solitude, as well as mental disorders and issues around sexuality and gender.

He has engaged in exhibitions, festivals and collaborative art projects the world over and runs art classes and workshops at different educational institutions. He recently presented the projects Ābološana and Pedvale in Latvia, ¿Qué quiere mostrarme la ciudad?(What Does the City Want to Show Me?), No Lugar (No Place) in Ecuador and Autistic Interiors in the Netherlands.


Empty time – projecte in situ

A Andorra, desenvoluparà un projecte in situ sobre el buit, el temps i el silenci, basat en el context social, rural i cultural de la Massana i treballant amb materials que es poden trobar a l’entorn. El projecte s’inspira en els conceptes filosòfics ma i zen, que l’artista ha descobert durant les seves llargues estades a l’Extrem Orient.

El ma descriu l’espai i el temps que hi ha enmig de les coses, una distància intencional que es deixa entre les accions o l’espai buit entre els objectes. No és simplement un buit o absència de contingut sinó que es percep com un espai conscient que té el seu propi significat i que permet donar valor a les altres parts de la composició. Es tracta d’una visió que difereix de les concepcions adoptades a Occident de l’espai buit i del no-res.

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