Individual residencies / Olot
From Tuesday, 21 January 2025 to Monday, 27 January 2025

Glòria Ribugent is a researcher who works in the fields of Catalan Philology and Medieval Studies. She has taught in the University of Girona Faculty of Arts and the University of Barcelona Faculty of Philology and Communication. She is finishing her PhD in Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Barcelona, as part of the Sciè research group. She is currently teaching Catalan as a foreign language at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. Sharing research is one of her passions: she is a member of the “Camins infinits” project with UB Divulga, giving talks at schools to explain the possibilities of research in the humanities; and she also participates in the “Què us diré?” audiobook project at the University of Girona, which is working to bring celebrated medieval Catalan texts to a wider audience.
During her residency, Glòria Ribugent will fix and annotate Tractat de les mules from Llibre de la menescalia (c. 1424-1436) by Manuel Díez. This is the final step before critical editing of the work, which will result in publication of a philologically accurate version of the text. Llibre de la menescalia is a medieval scientific text in Catalan with more preserved manuscripts than any other. It has been translated into Spanish, Italian and French, and many editions were published through the end of the 16th century. Publishing it will be a very significant contribution to studies of the lexicon, history of Catalan language and history of veterinary medicine.