Collective residencies / Serielizados Kick 2024 / Olot


From Monday, 11 November 2024 to Monday, 18 November 2024



Marina Rúbies was born in the small town of Castellserà, Lleida, in 1996 (27 years old). She holds a degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication from the University of Lleida with 15 honours and has worked in communication with print media and cultural companies in the province, such as FiraTàrrega and ECCIT (Catalan School of Cinema and Television). She is currently a founding partner at the cooperative production company Octubre Cinema. In 2021, she pursued a master’s degree in Audiovisual Screenwriting from Guionistes Associats de Catalunya (GAC) in collaboration with the universities of Barcelona and Lleida, where she received an academic excellence scholarship. She has also started a master’s degree in Film Direction at Bande à Part film school.

In 2022, she won an award for a gender-sensitive report on menopause and climacteric. Additionally, she was selected for the IsLabentura Canarias script lab for her project Aniagua and won the Best Feature Film Script Award at DAMA + CIIF Market. In 2023, Aniagua was selected for the 6th Ibiza Ibicine Festival Project Forum and the 12th International Script Workshop at BOLIVIA LAB. In 2024, it was selected for Conecta LAB at CREA Galicia. She has received mentorship from Ana Sanz Magallón, Rocío Mesa and Jaione Camborda.

Currently, she is developing the short film Niña beata i La reina as a director. The script was selected at the 2023 Ull Nu Festival Script Lab in Andorra and mentored by Chema García Ibarra. She is also a co-writer on Kasa, a feature film project by director Fernando Trullols and developed by Bastian Films. Marina teaches Narrative in English and Television Genres at the University of Lleida, where she has also taught Advertising in English. She is the art director of the short film El hombre que mató a Terry Gilliam by Joel Munu, performs script analysis, and has hosted the podcast Territori Creatiu for FiraTàrrega on creative processes in the performing arts.


At Faberllull, she will be working on the script for the series Parvata, co-written with Carles Velat.

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