Collective residencies / Screenplay development lab 2024-2025 I / Olot


From Wednesday, 16 October 2024 to Sunday, 20 October 2024

Cinematographic editor


After graduating in Audiovisual Communication and earning a diploma in editing and post-production, Pablo Gil moved to Barcelona in 2008 to pursue a master’s degree in Creative Documentary at Pompeu Fabra University. For the past fifteen years, he has dedicated himself to film editing, working with filmmakers such as José Luis Guerín (La dama de Corinto, Recuerdos de una mañana), Mercedes Álvarez (Mercado de futuros), Isaki Lacuesta (Apagón) and Marc Recha (Centaures de la nit), among others.

In the autumn of 2024, he will première La Marsellesa de los borrachos, his first feature film as a director.


At Faberllull, he will be writing the script for the feature film Els dropos de la piscina. The story is set during a severe drought hitting the Costa Brava. The government has declared a state of emergency and, among other measures, has banned filling private swimming pools. With the summer season approaching, the entire tourism industry is under threat. Water becomes an object of desire and contraband. Welsh, the owner of a pool installation and maintenance company, tries to keep his business afloat.

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