Collective residencies / Earth sciences: history, science and society / Olot
From Tuesday, 19 November 2024 to Sunday, 1 December 2024
Miquel Carandell Baruzzi, BA in Biology (2005), MA in History of Science (2010) and PhD in History of Science (2015), works as a researcher in the "Museums and Industry: Long Stories of Collaboration" project. He has published several academic articles as well as the book The Orce Man. Controversy, media and politics in Human Origins Research (Brill, 2021).
He has carried out research stays at the University of Cambridge and at the National Museum of Natural History in Lisbon. He has also published the books Barcelona, ciència i coneixement (Albertí, 2017), De les Gàbies als Espais Oberts. Història i Futur del Zoo de Barcelona (Alpina, 2018), El Taxidermista de la Plaça Reial (Alpina, 2021) and Debates y Fraudes. Controversias en la Evolución Humana (Salvat, 2023).
It is worth noting the work as an editor at the UAB magazine Divulga (2011-2012); his work in the development and execution of science history routes for Barcelona (2014-2019), the Historical Archives Fellowship of the Wenner-Gren Foundation (2015), the Research Grant of the History Museum of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (2016); the Uriach Prize for the History of Medicine (2017); the Montserrat Roig Scholarship (2018), the Joan Camps Award (2020). He has also worked at the Natural Sciences Museum of Granollers as head of the library and archive, and as an associate professor at the UAB.
At Faberllull, he wants to transform the research done during his doctoral thesis into a book in the form of a novel or some similar format halfway between historical essay and fiction for the general public. His doctoral thesis deals with the case of "L'Home d'Orce", a paleoantropològic discovery that caused a long scientific controversy in Spain in the 1980s and 1990s with the Transition to Democracy as a backdrop. This story, which he researched in detail in the thesis, contains clear dramatic elements, from the euphoria of scientific discovery to the fight, apparent betrayal and accusations of fraud and lack of rigor among scientists.