Collective residencies / Retreat for illustrators to cooperate with International publishers / Olot
From Monday, 25 September 2023 to Friday, 6 October 2023

She works giving extracurricular art classes in several schools in Girona and combines it with her work as an illustrator, in which she has developed her own stories, such as "Gat de Girona" (Estrella Polar), "Un soroll m'ha despertat" (Ideia editorial) or currently working on the development of the graphic novel for adults "Oclusió", which has been awarded with the Grant of Creation Kreas de l'Ajuntament de Girona 2022.
She has studied Illustration at Escola la Dona under the direction of Ignasi Blanch, and has participated in several tutorials led by the illustrator Mariona Cabassa. She has also taken several thematic courses with Rebeca Luciani, Anna Aparicio, Miguel Pang, Jan Barceló, Raquel Catalina and others.
She is a member of the Illustrators' collective Peste Alta. A group of 10 women, former students of the Escola de la Dona, who experience the collective creative work. This group won the first Montepío Illustrated Album contest with the album "A pas de zebra" published by Pagès Editors.
During the creative residency at Faber Llul in Olot I will work on an illustrated children's book, in collaboration with Editorial Chouette (Canada).
The story of an elephant desperately looking for a tape measure to be able to measure himself.
Everything went swimmingly.
The first email confirming I had been selected, the first interviews with the publishing house and what really interests us here: the stay at Faber.
Arriving and meeting Pepa, the best welcome one could imagine.
Unpacking our bags, a room with a view and a large table that will bear witness to the sketches and final touches of the next two weeks.
The first dinner, getting to know our companions. Expectations, brainstorming and patatas d'Olot (a local delicacy). It soon became apparent that things could only go well.
The wheels are set in motion, and suddenly two weeks have gone by, tons of hard work, 11 illustrated animals, outings around Olot, a magnificent workshop at the library and, above all, what touched me the most: the blessing of sharing this experience with Pepa, who went out of her way to accommodate us. I must also thank Quim, Christian and Silvia, who have been incredibly generous in sharing their time, their work and lots of laughs, Emma and Michael who rounded off our stay with their talks and creations, and Emiliu, who fed our stomachs and our souls!! And finally, Joan and Carles who made it all possible and who have encouraged us to keep on with our work.
It was an absolute pleasure, Faber, and we look forward to coming back soon!