Collective residencies / Educational programming and robotics VI / Olot
From Thursday, 4 May 2023 to Thursday, 11 May 2023

As a graduate in Environmental Sciences from the University of Girona (UdG), she worked for several years in a private company carrying out various environmental projects, and also at the UdG as a project manager. For more than twelve years she has been working as a teacher of natural sciences and technology in various public high schools around Girona the last 5 years at the Institut Montsacopa in Olot, where she is currently part of the Escoles Verdes program and the Erasmus + GoGreen project. Her complementary training includes being part of the Earth and Environmental Sciences team from the Intitute of Science Education, which produced a granted project from the Pallach Foundation entitled "Materials for the geological study of the environment of Girona".
We will meet in Faberllull Olot a passionate group of teachers, designers and creators of educational tools from around the world to promote these creative learnings in educational programming and robotics. Many of us already share projects during the year, from distant locations, enjoying the technologies that allow us to work remotely and asynchronously, but the personal and intensive meeting that Faberllull Olot offers us is an invaluable gift.