Collective residencies / Educational programming and robotics VI / Olot
From Thursday, 4 May 2023 to Thursday, 11 May 2023

Technical engineer in computer systems at the University of Lleida. After completing his studies, he began teaching in the world of teaching for 8 years. In recent years as a teacher of training cycles, he discovers his passion for the workshop, educational projects and technology in ESO. As a professor of Technology, Eduard Casadevall agrees and through him, he started in the world of 3D design, 3D printing and robotics. He currently teaches Technology at the Bosc de la Coma high school in Olot. Member of RobolotTeam and teacher trainer in Arduino and TDRSteam.
We will meet in Faberllull Olot a passionate group of teachers, designers and creators of educational tools from around the world to promote these creative learnings in educational programming and robotics. Many of us already share projects during the year, from distant locations, enjoying the technologies that allow us to work remotely and asynchronously, but the personal and intensive meeting that Faberllull Olot offers us is an invaluable gift.