Collective residencies / Young Catalan and Palestinian Playwrights / Olot
From Thursday, 13 April 2023 to Thursday, 20 April 2023
Clàudia Serra (Alacant, 1996) is a playwright, literary and theatre critic and narrative collection editor for Afers editions. She studied Catalan Philology and then she did the Master’s Degree in Theatre Studies. She has also taken some courses of dramaturgy in Sala Beckett with other playwrights such as Frédéric Sonntag, Rafael Spregelburd, Joseph Danan, Vanessa Montfort…
As a playwright, she started publishing and performing Zoôn Politikón (2014) and Evast (2015). In 2019, she wrote Esquerdes (Cracks), and she performed it in Valencia. In 2021, she participated as a dramaturge resident in the Francophone International Studio of La Chartreuse, in Avignon. This year, she also did a dramatic reading of her last play: Una carretera sense arbres (A road without trees). Lastly, she has published an adaptation of L’heroi (The hero), a classic play of Catalan theater, and she has done the Catalan translation of Porcile, a play by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
In 2017, a Palestinian teenager whose name was Ahed Tamimi became famous around the world because of a video that showed her hitting an Israeli soldier. It was two days after the United States recognized Jerusalem as the capital city of the Israeli state, and the armed forces were occupying the West Bank.
Four days later, Ahed Tamimi was arrested. She had to face a ten-year prison sentence. The trial was a political trial, of course, and it became another evidence of the persecution of the Israeli state to the Palestinian people.
This is the story I want to tell.