Individual residencies / Olot
From Monday, 21 November 2022 to Saturday, 26 November 2022

Monica Wang has writing in Electric Lit, Southword, Ruminate Magazine, Augur, and The Malahat Review, among other publications. She won the 2019 writing contest at the International English Library (Düsseldorf); in 2020 her flash won The Sunlight Press's fiction contest; in 2021 she received scholarship offers to two creative writing MA programs. In 2022 she was shortlisted in the OutWrite Chapbook Competition, W&A Working-Class Writers' Prize, and Red Line Festival Poetry Competition. Born in Taichung, Taiwan, she grew up in Taipei and Vancouver, Canada, and spent the last five years drifting from Dresden to Dublin. She recently completed her creative writing MA at the University of Exeter and an artist residency at Bill's Attic/Krowji in Cornwall, where she worked on her first novel.
I will be working on my first novel, Productive Insecurity. Parts of the draft comprised my Creative Writing MA dissertation for University of Exeter and have been longlisted in the CRAFT Literary First Chapters Contest and shortlisted for the W&A Working-Class Writers' Prize. The book centres a socially maladjusted young woman and her year working as a night-shift security guard at a sprawling luxury mall, where she must balance being a moral person and being a useful member of a team... among other things. I will likely also write new fiction and poetry while at Faber.