Individual residencies / Olot
From Monday, 14 November 2022 to Thursday, 24 November 2022

How to Be Nowhere, with Weidenfeld and Nicolson. He is a three-time recipient of the Arts Council of Ireland™s Literature Bursary, and his fiction and non-fiction appears in the Dublin Review, The Stinging Fly, and Winter Papers. For the next three years he will work on a PhD in Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia, with funding from CHASE. Next year he will take part in a month-long residency at the Centre Culturel Irlandais. He teaches Creative Writing at Under the Volcano's annual masterclasses in Tepoztlán, Mexico.
I will be working on my thesis, which is a Lacanian theory of plotted vs. essayistic writing through the prism of the sinthôme, and on a coming-of-age novel set in 1970s Uruguay and Argentina, against the backdrop of the Tupamaros' resistance struggle. I also expect to edit and submit some poems while I am there.