Individual residencies / Olot
From Monday, 22 November 2021 to Monday, 29 November 2021

Odai Al Zoubi is a Syrian writer, translator, and journalist lives in Malmo/ Sweden. He has a PhD in philosophy from University of East Anglia.
Publications ‘The book of Wisdom and Naivete’ (2019). Short stories. Mamdouh Adwan Publishing House. ‘Windows’ (Nawafeth). (2017). Short stories. Al Mutawassit Publications: Milan-Beirut. ‘Om Hashim’s Lost Lamp’. (2016). Essays. Syrian League for citizenship. ‘Al-Samat’ (Silence). (2015). Short stories. Al Mutawassit Publications: Milan-Beirut. You can read his latest piece on Christmas, and listen to Bill Night reading it, on this app:
During my residency I will be working on a short story, from my new collection 'Half-Smile'. The collection talks about Syria before the war. It is an attempt to deal with my memory: the things I didn’t understand, the things I thought I understood, the things I hated, the things I loved, the things I used to runaway from, the things that I cannot run away from, and the things that hunt me now in exile.