Individual residencies / Olot
From Tuesday, 19 October 2021 to Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Specialized in Mural and Public Art, the artist, Aldana Ferreyra, from Argentina, has made several exhibitions and murals in America, Europe, Africa; in which the topic of her work area´s focuses on environmental pollution and possible solutions. Aldana Ferreyra considers the participation of the community fundamental for her works. She says…” The important thing is to be able to elaborate ourselves (without the intervention of the great world powers), the prospective plans, rational exploitation and preservation of natural resources, especially those we share. This is essential to maintain our survival as peoples and nations, our identity, and achieve real integration in all aspects.
We must ensure that we apprehend and respect life in harmony with Earth and Nature and not against them…”.
I would like to be able to make photographs of the place during my residence stay and then transfer them in my works, as well as investigate about the environmental problems of the area, and then dump all this learning in the realization of pictorial works.
And also, I would like to propose the realization of a Collective Mural, next to the premises of the place, whose theme has to do with the contamination of drinking water. Activity that I have done in several countries of the world. These Collective Mural Art proposes that the students work with the main techniques for the realization of a mural painting; and according to the experimentation that each participant carries out, it will be allowed to dialogue with the unexpected and turn the random into strategy. Throughout the workshop, the necessary tools will be given for the knowledge of the development of the mural, such as the assembly of colors, composition, drawing techniques for large-scale transfer, realization of the wall in synchrony with the urban space, among others.