Individual residencies / Olot
From Wednesday, 30 October 2019 to Tuesday, 5 November 2019
She graduated from the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. As a playwright she has been trained at the Sala Beckett Obrador’s and at several international stages such as the Director’s Lab Melbourne Theater Festival or La Rebelión de las Voces in Santiago de Chile.
In 2016 she won the Teatre Principal of Palma Prize “On women” with Only when it rains, that was also part of the IDÒ Balearic Contemporary Playwright’s Week, Sala Beckett (2017) and selected for the 11th Women Playwrights International Conference in Santiago de Chile.
She won the Teatre de Butxaca award (2018) and the Barcelona Pindoles Festival (2019) with The gas station’s girl. The piece has been premiered in several festivals around the country.
Recently, she has won the first prize Relats Breus Ses Salines with Fumata Blanca and published Miyocardium Stilletto by Editorial Acto Primero presented at the Madrid’s XX Salón del Libro Teatral.
In the Faber Residence I want to start the draft of Mar de tierra, first part of Oleaje o la memoria del silencio.
The novel tries to explore, through three generations of women of the same family, the silence as part of a baggage that had to make their to survive to a pain that could not be shown in public; and as that pain was anchored so much inside, that it has been dragged without cicatrizing of generation in generation. Just like the remains of a boat that comes from distant storms and that we think does not belong to us, but that so much so, is part of our history.