Individual residencies / Olot
From Thursday, 7 February 2019 to Thursday, 14 February 2019

Fàtima Llambrich was born in Ametlla de Mar in 1980. She is a journalist and works at the Televisió de Catalunya news (TV3), where she reports news on the judicial, police and security theme (field). She is graduate in Journalism and Criminology at the UAB. In 2012, she decided to start a project that combined the two disciplines and since then she interviewed a convicted person for double homicide in prison, a case that was a pioneering sentence in Spain because the bodies of the victims were not found. Sense cadàver (Ara Llibres) is the result of these interviews and of a research project that has not finished yet. This book of non-fiction, a true crime, exists also in Spanish, Sin Cadáver (Now Books).
If no one knows if you exist, nobody will notice when you cease to exist. The invisibility of some victims is the starting point of the project that I will work during the stay at the Faber. I consider whether public policies against gender violence can protect this type of victim who is more vulnerable because they have broken or they have no ties with the family, nor does the protection that friends can offer. It is a journalistic project about cases of criminal disappearances, in other words that is, criminal investigations of homicides where the body is not found. American criminology studies place them as the easy victims of serial aggressors.