Individual residencies / Olot
From Thursday, 22 November 2018 to Monday, 26 November 2018
I am a writer, translator and photographer. Translator of the Conselleria of Culture (Valencian Regional Government). Author of children’s literature: Visitants de Mont-virolat (Ed. La Nau); Juvenile literature: Lúltim paradís, Missatge en un rellotge, Un café sol (Ed Tabarca); black novel: La cuscursera farcida, prize L’Alcúdia; Els raigs sobre la finestra, and erotic Coffee Claca contest; Una petita història d’una dona qualsevol, II Ciutat de Alzira Awards; La dona del claustre, Conta’m dona, Catarroja Town Hall …
Resident at The writer’s house (Pasaia), Jiwar (Barcelona) and Can Serrat (El Bruc). Member of the AElC and CEDRO. Collaborator in the photography book The Valencian Community, by Cristopher Makos, and in the exhibition of Sebastião Salgado at the Biennial of Valencia. Illustrator of Sentiments’s book, from Group 10. I have combined literature and photography in the Presències exhibition, a collection of looks and voices in black Africa, which I have exhibited in several rooms of the Valencian Country.
My novel project “Des de la peixera” arises from my concern for corruption and to find out why people are corrupt, especially politicians and business people. Once the action is carried out, with the biography of the characters involved, and the cases of corruption chosen, what I plan to do at the Faber Residence is to unite these elements and build the story from the moment in which the trial begins and they are cited to declare the characters. Where you will see your link and your motivations in history.