Individual residencies / Olot
From Wednesday, 2 May 2018 to Friday, 25 May 2018

Journalist and designer. Current coordinator at, has been working as journalist at El País, El Periódico, NacióDigital and as correspondent un Brussels for the ACN (News Catalan Agency). Graduated in Journalism and Arts and Design (UAB and Massana School), she teaches at Digital Communication and Journalism Master in the UAB and UOC (Catalan Open University). Founding member of SomAtents. She is writing a doctoral work about new journalistic non-conventional practices and new journalisms.
During my stay at the Faber I will use to continue deepening in the writing of my doctoral thesis, which I have been doing for two years now. It deals with the phenomenon that I call neoperiodisms, that is, the new non-conventional journalistic practices as a way of combating both the industrial crisis of the media and the loss of credibility of journalism and of considering what journalism means today.