Individual residencies / Andorra
From Monday, 29 November 2021 to Thursday, 9 December 2021

Doctor in Psychology, Member of the National Researchers System (Mexico). Child Development Specialist. She is a Titular Professor and an academic tutor in Master and Doctorate Degree in the Research and Postgraduate Division in the Faculty of Psychology in the National University of Mexico.
Nowadays, she is the Editor in Chief of the “Revista Mexicana de Psicología Educativa” and a member of the Ethics in Research and in the Publications Committees in the Faculty of Psychology.
Her teaching and research is centered in analyzing and promoting child development, working with children, their parents and their teachers in Child Development Centers in Mexico City. Also, she works in the education and collaboration with child development professionals. Finally, another of her interest areas is research methodology.
She has been the major researcher of different granted research projects and has written 40 research articles, 20 chapters and 6 books about Child Development and Educational Psychology.
During my stance in Andorra I Will work in the analysis of data of a project which main objective is: “To create, apply and validate a web site to train teachers and parents to promote emergent literacy in preschool children”.
The analysis will be published and presented in specialized meetings. Also, it will be a part of the final technical report of the project and the resulting published academic documents.
I was finally able to make the long awaited stay in Faber Andorra, originally planned for June 2020 and postponed twice: first for May 2021 and then for December of the same year. It even seemed that this time it could not take place either because of the news about the new Covid rebound in Europe, even though in Mexico it is at its lowest level since the beginning of the pandemic.
However, I thought it could not be postponed any longer: my original objective, which was to perform the analysis of the first results of a research project to test a training package for educators for the promotion of emergent literacy of preschool children (PAPIIT Project IT 300619) was covered long ago, the objective set for the second time: The objective I had set for the second time: to analyze the final results, was also achieved before coming to Andorra, so in the end my goal was to close the project, making a compilation of all the products that came out of it: support materials (brochures, books, videos), evaluation instruments, conference papers, extended reports, articles in specialized journals and book chapters.
The context offered by La Massana was ideal for the achievement of the objective: First of all, the excellent organization of the stay, carried out by Meritxell Blanco, who was always attentive to the required details: we were already old acquaintances by e-mail and we finally met when I arrived in Andorra, a very nice person inside and out. Then there was that cozy apartment in the fire station, which was really very relaxing and contributed to the concentration required for the task. Another factor that contributed a lot to what was planned was the weather: according to what I was told, it was a very unusual situation: it was snowing all the time, so the best way to spend the time was working because it was difficult to go out, hehehe. The snowfalls left wonderful landscapes that nourished my mood in a very important way.
It was also very enriching to have the opportunity to interact with colleagues and students from the University of Andorra, it was interesting to enrich my knowledge and experience with other visions, and I hope I left them something useful. Unfortunately, another activity was planned, with primary school teachers, which could not take place due to a new Covid outbreak. Definitely, my experience in Andorra was very enriching and it is something I would like to live again, although now without snow, to get to know more of such a beautiful country.
Thank you so much Meri for all your attentions!!!!