Collective residencies / PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATION II / Olot
From Tuesday, 19 February 2019 to Saturday, 2 March 2019
Erica started as a stand-up comedian on the London circuit, then moved on to writing for newspapers. Formerly a staffer at the Guardian, she is now a freelance journalist and speaker. She writes mostly for the Guardian but has also appeared in The Sunday Times, The Mirror, The Debrief, in various literary magazines, and has been a frequent guest on podcasts and on BBC Radio. She is currently writing a book called This Party’s Dead, in which she travels to seven of the world’s death festivals, sparked by the day she and her husband found his father dead. She speaks fluent Spanish after living in Mexico for two years, and also speaks Italian, French and nominal Mandarin.
While in residence at Faber, I will be working on my non-fiction/ memoir This Party’s Dead, in which I’m visiting seven death festivals to find out how other people in the world deal with the knowledge that they’re going to die. I will focus particularly on the intersection between death and inequality, and whether omitting mention of death in school (even in science lessons) harms our ability to process it.