Collective residencies / ROBOTICS II / Olot
From Friday, 10 May 2019 to Sunday, 12 May 2019

Arts teacher in Secondary School. Fine Arts Graduated by the Universitat de Barcelona. Estudies in Landscape Architecture. As a teacher, she has worked in a team that has developed STEAM projects at class. Also, she has participated at Cinema en curs. The value of those projects is the oportunity of learning together, students and teachers.
She is currently teaching Technical Advisor in the Innovation and Teacher Training Service of the General Directorate of Secondary Education in the Department of Education, defining the STEAMcat innovation programme.
STEAMcat is a Government Plan aimed at increasing scientific-technological and mathematical vocations. This plan takes the form of our STEAM training and guidance innovation service for primary and secondary school teachers and the creation of a STEAMcat pedagogical innovation programme for the transformation of educational centres.
During my stay at Faber, I will be able to meet with several teams to plan and coordinate various actions related to the innovation program STEAMcat of the Education Department.
Also, I will meet the team that, during this year, has worked on the Educacont project (born at Faber last year), in order to coordinate and start try out at schools.
I would like to share experiences on methodological innovation in the STEAM environment.
Robolot’s Day, with the exchange of experiences for teachers on Saturday May 11, will be an important opportunity to know and share experiences with the educational community.
Pedagogy and robotics at Faber
The opportunity to live together that Faber offers is a guarantee of generating synergies that lead to new ideas and projects. The evenings around the (good) table lead to unexpected discoveries and new complicities. Confronting people from different backgrounds, backgrounds and career paths creates endless opportunities for creation. Working from the peaceful and relaxed environment helps to share. It is from knowledge and mutual recognition that things happen. In this case, we have been able to find out how robotics works in different parts of Spain, and we have been able to talk about how the assessment by competencies is being carried out in the classrooms.
Pedagogy and robotics. The combination that generates inclusion, both stimulation for the most difficult students and creative opportunity for students who need new challenges to avoid boredom and disconnection.
We have been able to pick up the challenge proposed by science to set up a stimulating project co-created by different teachers from different parts of the peninsula. The aim is to design a model for collecting data on polluting micro-particles at the level of human respiration in busy streets, which can be easily implemented by schools, with shared data for analysis. Citizen science made from schools and for schools and institutes.
We got to know the scientific artist Ana Jofre and his inspiring work on the visibility of data and research on consumption in the post-industrial era of Selçuk Balamir. With robotics at the centre. We have been able to visit different schools and see the realities. We have found the peace of mind to begin to finish our project. Thank you very much.