Collective residencies / ROBOTICS II / Olot
From Saturday, 11 May 2019 to Sunday, 12 May 2019

He started out as a teacher in professional training and then in compulsory secondary education and batxillerat. In the decade of the 90’s he participated in the process of experimenting with the reform of the Spanish educational system as a teacher and as a trainer of trainers, and he worked in the Educational Information Technology Programme and in the Subdirectorate General of Curricular Organisation of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya as a teaching technician and as a trainer. He has collaborated with companies in the didactic sector developing equipment for the didactics of technology, especially for control and educational robotics. He has participated in didactic publications for the teaching of technology and several articles in specialized magazines. He is currently working at the Centre of Specific Pedagogical Resources to Support Educational Research and Innovation. He is a member of the Societat Catalana de Tecnologia and a member of the board of directors.
During my stay at Faber I’m going to work on the implementation of the program with Snap For Arduino to the teaching activities of Technology to Secondary Education.