Collective residencies / DIVERSITY POLICIES / Olot


From Monday, 21 October 2019 to Monday, 28 October 2019

Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Member of the research group EMIGRA/Cer-Migracions of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Edinburgh (Scotland)


Charo Reyes is member of the research group EMIGRA/Cer-Migracions at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She was a predoctoral researcher (FPI) in the project “La movilidad del alumnado en la RMB: tipos, procesos y tendencias” awarded by MINECO under the “I+D+I” scheme and of the project “ Reducing Early School Leaving in Europe” awarded by the 7th FP European Commission. She completed her doctoral thesis within these projects, investigating the relationships between different language learning environments, plurilingualism and the conditions of educational and social integration among young people of immigrant origin in Catalonia and the role of mobility. She has also carried out collaborative research projects with teachers and students on the experience and possibilities of plurilingual learning in multilingual and multicultural school environments. She is currently participating in research projects such as the ORALPHA project, literacy of refugees and new citizens, an European ERASMUS+ project, where, with an interdisciplinary perspective, the possibilities of promoting social inclusion are explored through the improvement of the practice of teaching the reception languages to immigrants and refugees.


The central idea of my project for the residency at Faber is to work on an article promoting interculturality and multilingualism as a value of belonging in society. For this, I will start from the analysis of empirical data that breaks with the stereotypes about the linguistic uses of the immigrant population. My intention is to identify in more detail the theme and sub-themes of the text, design its structure and develop its main ideas. Based on the results of my thesis work, “Communicative repertoires of students of immigrant origin in Catalonia. Beyond school boundaries”, I will look at how to balance the dissemination of scientific research with the development of a text accessible to an audience of diverse profiles, interests and needs.

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